Friday, November 3, 2006

3.11.2006 - In the Kitchen

With the boss this week in Songea for his wedding send off we could relax and take it easy in the office, well not really. We have some tournaments coming up and some planning for the sports day and regional sports tournament which we have been doing this week.

We managed to finish the storeroom after emptying all the boxes and putting the clothes and sports equipment onto the shelves it took some time as there was a lot of boxes and quite much organising needed to be done.

Recently we have been eating some mangos as this is now the season for them. They are really delicious to taste but the difficulty is afterwards when it traps between your teeth, some hard work is required with the toothpick to remove the mango.

The electricity problem has unfortunately returned again. After having it more or less for one week straight we now don't have it at all. Bizzarly a couple of nights ago, all of our neighbours had electricity and we still didn't, i think they is a conspriacy against the Mzungu!

The temperature is steadily rising each day but becomes most notably at night time as it is really hot when trying to sleep, fortunately a cold shower before bed helps the situation but if water runs out then we'll have to refer to the finnish summer house style of showering – bucket and cup, while dodging the cockroaches!

Last week we took to cooking in the kitchen, it was the first time for me as Annukka is better in the kitchen than I am. We cooked, or at least tried to cook our version of pancakes, the first task was to find the ingredients then trying to cook on a uneven frying pan and adjusting the temperature from underneath as the charcoal burns away. In the end we managed to make 6 or 7 good ones in about 3 hours, a record i am sure for something. The next morning we were firmly put in our places and the Aunt who is living with us had made a whole pile of ”pancakes” in what i am sure was a fraction of time that we took.

We eventually found out later that the word for pancake in swahili it Kitumbua which means rice cake. The word for our pancakes is Chapati wa maji. Anyway it was good fun to prepare something in the kitchen and we had a bit of an audience when doing it. Always eager to impress I took to flipping the pancake in the frying pan, luckily it didn't land on the ground but back on the frying pan... i didn't want to spend another three hours making more pancakes!

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