Saturday, November 18, 2006

18.11.2006 - Kanda's Wedding

On the 18.11 it was a special day for SDA our Kanda was getting married. Although we had tried our best to change his mind he was insistent on doing it. In the morning of the wedding, Annukka went to the hair dressers to get extensions and plaits put in, it some pain and four hours she was ready.

We made our way to Kanda's place near midday where all the women where gathered in the back garden surrounded with pots and pans and food on the carpets. There was some serious food making in progress. Apparently I had entered a no man zone but was allowed to stay as I am a Mzungu. The men where at the front of the house, sitting relaxing in the shade. The house was nicely decorated in the front of the house with various decorations hanging from the ceiling.

After some time the food was ready and we all made our way inside to get something to eat, there was so much pilau on offer it was ridiculous but nice! After the food was eaten it was time to make our way to the church. The daladala had arrived so it was to take everyone to the church, there was also a pick up truck for the young boys that had gathered around the place.

On the way to the church there was a lot of signing involved in the daladala as everyone was getting into the spirit of the day. The groom along with the best man made their way in the wedding car to the church where upon arrival made their way to the side church to wait until the bride arrived. The

rest of us waited outside in the shade until the wedding car came back with the bride.

The groom and bride met outside the church and then went together to the side chapel and waited until the guests had found their seats. After some time they made their way to the altar, it was then we realised it was a double wedding. Both couple made their way to the front of the altar with the singing choir leading the way.

As the service was all in Swahili I don't know much of what the priest was saying but during his speeches a lot of guests started shouting and singing in agreement. Sometimes the priest was stopped mid sentence because the choir had broken into a song. On another occasion one of the choir boys was banging on his drum while one of the guests started dancing in the aisle. When the bride and groom had signed the registration papers and made their way off the altar a group of women surrounded them both while a women started rolling around on the floor in front of the couple.

After the church part the bride and groom made their way to the beach for the sunset pictures. Others, including myself, went to get something to drink and wait around until the reception. As we are getting used to the African way of things we knew that the reception would not start on time, in fact we arrived one and a half hours later than originally scheduled and we were still early, the reception started around 8.30 a slight delay from the intended time of 6.

Upon arrival the reception hall didn't have electricity and the place was lit up with only one light bulb plus a power flash the camera man was using. Unfortunately due to the power cuts the drinks were warm which didn't help on such a way night. I initially thought the coupon system was a good idea for the guests however when the bar ran out of drinks later on in the night, even though quite many of us still had coupons, the idea of the coupon system failed.

The happily married couple made their entrance behind the brides maids and ring bearer and accompanied by the maid of honour and the best man. After some time introductions where made of the individual families who they are.

Throughout the whole reception it seemed that when ever anyone gave a speech music would be played and everyone would get up and dance around for a while and promptly sit down when the music stopped playing. After some more dancing and singing, it was time for cutting the cake. With Sophia giving a piece to kanda and the best man and Kanda giving a piece to Sophia and the maid of honour. It was also nice to see the young children giving each other a piece of cake. The layers of the cake where then divided with a piece to either family from their new in law respectively.

This was quickly followed with taking food, although nobody collected our food coupon. What was on offer seems to be the basic food offer – ring, chips, chicken, potatoes, salad, meat, chilli sauce and without the use of any cutlery.

When everyone had eaten it was time to give the gifts, we informed the MC that we had a special request and we would be making a speech. I said a few words about the wedding and told the wedding couple about the gifts they would receive. As the gifts are so big and heavy to carry we decided we would give them the user manuals instead so that way they can figure it out for themselves what they have received. Chigo translated what I was saying and added some words of his own. After the gifts had all been given more music was played and everyone danced around in a circle. The night was coming to an end and the newly weds left for their wedding night lodge.

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